Getting the Results You Want

There's been a lot of furor about the book "The Secret". In my view it's just different terminology for the same advice given in ALL cultures. Some books call it "programming", some call it "prayer", but the rules are the same:

Let's look at these steps.

Visualize what you want. If you can't get a clear picture of your goal, your chances of achieving it are nil. So spend some time thinking about what you want. Write it down, post it on the wall, cut out (or draw) pictures that represent your goal. See yourself already having achieved the goal. This needs to be a POSITIVE image (i.e., don't focus on what you don't want to happen--that would be a NEGATIVE).

Attach emotion. If you don't feel strongly about your goal, your chances of achieving it are reduced. But don't get trapped into feeling from need--focus on the joy and satisfaction of success.

Take some action. Remember: "the gods help those that help themselves", so don't sit back just waiting for something to happen. Do something that will move you towards your goal, or prepare you for what will happen after your goal is achieved.

Repeat and readjust. If what you are doing isn't working, then try something DIFFERENT. To get practice in "programming"/"law of attraction"/"whatever you want to call it", start with something small. One example I use is getting a good parking spot: Picture the perfect spot, closest to the door (or in the shade, or whatever is your ideal). Imagine how pleased you'll feel when you see someone pulling out of the spot just as you drive up. Drive along that closest row with confidence.

Success Stories

Fabric Store. I needed 38 continuous yards of tulle for a decorating project. The store only had two partial bolts of the color I needed. A full bolt was 50 yards and comparing the fullness it looked like there was no way either of the partials would be 38 yards. I REALLY didn't want to have to sew them together, but didn't have time to look elsewhere so I asked the clerk to measure one of the bolts. The whole time I was thinking "please let this be enough". The partial bolt measured EXACTLY 38 yards.

The Sofa. A friend was lamenting that he didn't have a sofa for his new apartment (he had price constraints). A couple of us decided to "program" that he "would get what he needed". He was driving to an outing a few days later and saw a man selling an antique sofa on the side of the road. He got the sofa for $75! It is in excellent condition and is worth many times that.

The Accupuncturist. A friend who has a lot of trouble with migraines decided to try accupuncture. She called me to tell me that she was "thinking positively" and was determined to find an accupuncturist that day, and furthermore to find one that was accepted by her insurance. She found one with her third phone call.
Part 2. She had never been to an accupuncturist before and was worried about it being painful. I told her to think positive, that this guy would be a "miracle worker" and that the session would go fantastic. It worked! She called me a few days later, having had 3 sessions. She was able to stop taking several medications and had greatly reduced pain (from the migraines) and the sessions didn't hurt at all.

The Job Offer. A friend was having to interview to keep her job (due to a contractor change). She told us that she was determined to get a major raise (25-30%) and went in picturing success. When the interviewer told her they couldn't go that high, she said "well I know that's what I'm worth". She GOT the 25% raise. Everyone else was only offered 5%.