Quiet Bear's Message

This is my path of heart. This is my Beauty Way.

Love and Selfishness

When I give of My Self freely to my Other Selfs -- without any expectation in my heart of getting something back -- I do so because I know that I AM actually giving to My Self.

All of us are part of the One Infinite Creator. All of Everything is of the One Infinite Dreamer.

The atoms and even the stuff that the atoms are made of are all the same. No matter where -- in this or any universe -- they are all of the Being, the One Infinite Creator. We are the All That Is as well as the All That Is Not. The creative energy that has coalesced into the form of your body is the exact same as the creative energy that I AM made of -- that Everything is made of. That is what is meant by "Love Your Neighbor as Thy Self". If you Love Your Self, then the Love for Other Selfs is truly an automatic reality. It is an awesome thought, to know that the Love you are sharing is the same Love you all have for Your Selfs.

The secret of the coming thunder, of which I speak, is truly a secret that all of us have known Forever. It is a secret only because we choose to make it one. It is part of our vocabulary. We all say it everyday. It has many uses and is the most misunderstood concept of all time, space and dimensions. That secret is Love -- Not the love that is used to hold illusory power over someone, but Love that is Unconditional. Love That forgives without strings, without baggage that warps its true meaning -- the Love that Our Creator has for Us, the Love shown to Us through the gift of Free Will and Free Choice. What an awesome concept.

Why We Are Here

Portals and Vortexes that have been sealed for an incredibly long time are being opened. Coming through these openings will be our brothers and sisters of Love and Light, in the service of the One Infinite Creator. They are perfectly aware of our situation, and are giving freely in response to the request for aid. A whole lot of us came long ago and stayed, voluntarily (as difficult as this is to believe), knowing full well that we would be reincarnated time after time and would be lost in the illusion -- created by the veil of forgetting Who We Really Are. Others of us have been coming into this dimension by the old fashioned way, by being born as a human. Just like the rest of us adventurous Souls, they too face the risk of forgetting Who They Really Are and of getting stuck in this reality and going through the entire third density again. This possibility lessens as more and more of us re-member and awaken to our task -- to release the illusion of separation and the fear that is its un-natural by-product, and create from Love.

What Lies Ahead

In what is best described from the symbology of the rapture, there is going to be a shifting of the vibration of earth in about eleven and a half years. Some will stay and go through the third density again. Others will go on to the fourth density, some going as negative and the rest as positive. There we will all be able to express the Will of the Creator, which is to Create. {{{Duh!}}}

In the coming days, there will be many lies, and deceptions will be spread thicker than anything ever seen before. No matter what -- regardless of prior training and patterning, it must be known that this is all being done from a place of Fear. To fight negative Other Selfs in their manner only fuels them. It is what they desire to be -- Selfs in control of their Other Selfs. That is their expression of the Creator Creating ItSelf. Our form of expressing this is through service to Other Selfs. Ours is not ‘right’ or ‘better’ ‘wrong’ or ‘worse’, nor is theirs -- Only different

We are all Light & Dark; we are all made of both energies. Which polarization you operate from is a choice. Now, as you consider this, you must first discard all teachings that negative=bad and that positive=good. Those are humanistic judgments that were long ago placed on the two energies. Re-member, that the Creator of the All That Is, is also the Creator of the All That Is Not.

Allow me to give an example... Suppose that at one time, others were attacking you for your beliefs and this hurt you. The hurt that you felt at that time would be a negative thought. This negative thought that you had (the hurt you chose to feel, though not realized as such), is what I AM referring to when I speak of "service to Self" as opposed to "service to Other Selfs". There is always a percentage of both within each of us. Those that choose to experience their existance mostly from "service to Self" are creating from a negative polarization, whereas those that have chosen to experience their existance in "service to Other Selfs" are creating from a positive polarization. The most important thing I choose to get across is that you are both positive & negative intrinsically, naturally. Experiencing some "negatives" does not make you a "negative" or "dark" person. It may just be what your Soul has chosen to experience for this density in the creation of Who It Really Is, as part of the Creator.

Remember: If You Lean Too Far, One Way Or The Other... You'll Fall Down, And Go Boom.

What we can do, is to Love others for whom they are -- Our Other Selfs, creating differently. As long as we don’t buy into the illusion that is being created from Fear, there is no need to doubt our going on to the fourth density. The most important thing to re-member, first and foremost, is to forgive your Own Self. I do this everyday, as I face and disintegrate every fear I have ever developed.

For example, it was once a fear of mine that someone would read my writings and think that I believe my Truth is The One And Only True Truth! That they (those mysterious ‘they’) would believe that I think my way is the right way, and that whatever their Truth is, it is the wrong way. Now I have forgiven that fear and it no longer hinders my creations. So I can post these words, and have only Love and Understanding for any whom have chosen to be hurt or angered by them. I can Love them as easily as I Love someone who lives in Love & Light. Why? You guessed it -- because They are all My Other Selfs, creating from their perception of Truth. The paths to the One Infinite Creator are as Infinite as the Creator ItSelf.

In order to save yourself a whole lot of unnecessary angst, remember this: Sometimes we plant the seed, sometimes we nurture what has been sowed and sometimes we are there to help with the harvest. More often than not, we are the seed planters. Consider what part of the cycle those you are working with are experiencing and act (create) accordingly. Then you are released from any perceived expectations. Believe me when I tell you that this was one of my more difficult lessons to master.

Share the Truth

I believe that the mighty Internet is the physical manifestation of our Collective Unconscious. I know that we can communicate telepathically if we put our Collective Thinking Caps on and re-member how. But until then, I will use the most efficient way I can Rightcheeah!!!

So let Your Truth be read, anywhere you can put it up to be seen. If only one Other Self finds it useful in their search for their Highest Good, the effort is rewarded -- Cosmically. There are many Truths that have been shared that I have been able to use for the evolution of my Soul’s Highest Good. I know that there will be many more.

Remember: Life is a journey to explore, not a problem to solve.
