It's TEOTWAWKI, but I Feel Fine |
TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It
There is much talk these days of the Anti-Christ and general chaos and mayhem coming to us. This is a tremendous amount of "fear-mongering". And yet, we're all still here. Could it be that there will be no Armageddon and that the Anti-Christ has resigned? Perhaps. Maybe, on the other hand, it's just a matter of choice -- group choice.
Long ago, and not so long ago, prophecies of the "End Times" were written by people such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and in the Western Bible in the Book of Revelations (among others); but these prophecies have not appeared in the forms "expected". All these prophecies predict events at the turn of the millennium -- and they have not happened. I suppose you could add "Yet". However, whether you consider the turn of the millennium as the beginning of the year 2000 or 2001, whoever is planning to "take over" had better get their act together, since there's only about a month left for the "end" to happen. One must ask though, could it be that those prophecies were given, not to be the Mandatory Final Outcome some have taken them for, but rather as a "wake up call"? Could those prophecies actually be warnings given to increase the awareness of our Group Consciousness to some of the Possibilities, even the Probabilities, that COULD have occurred if a change -- different choices -- had NOT been made?
We live in a reality created by our group consciousness, based on root assumptions to which we've all agreed. Everything that occurs here has a reason -- even if you are not privvy to what it is, you can be assured that there is one.
One of those root assumptions is that this is a world of "opposites": positive/negative, male/female, active/receptive, light/dark. What if these are not "absolutes", but rather merely the "boundaries": opposite sides of the same coin, of thought concepts that must be formulated in order to create a structure upon which to "build" or manifest some aspect of material substance? What if these are only necessary to provide the "friction" that is the basis of creation of the "more to life" that we all seek -- that third choice which is always there and that results in transcendence and soul evolution? The "friction" is the thought process as we examine those opposites, in an attempt to understand them and work at resolving the apparent dichotomy or paradox.
These "opposites" then form the base corners of a triangle; in experiencing the opposites, moving back and forth between them, we build our foundation so that we can move upward/forward and "evolve" to that "more" -- the apex of the triangle. In order for this to work, no matter what the manifestation of the concept is, there will ALWAYS be an opposite present for people to experience and analyze to form that base for transcendence and evolution of the Individuated Soul (which is the purpose and goal of each of us).
Another root assumption is that Free Will, the freedom of choice, must always be available in order to experience those opposites to the degree necessary for the Individuated Soul to thoroughly study and experience them and, thereby, transcend to a new level of understanding and creation for the Individuated Soul as well as the group.
Given this, let's now look at the concept of the Anti-Christ and "the end of the world". There must be an opposite concept present in order to have a continuity of this structure we call physical reality. Therefore, if, indeed, the Anti-Christ is alive and well, there must be a Christ here. Given the significance that the prophecies have given these concepts, it would seem reasonable to have a physical manifestation of these opposites. Yet, there is no One who is claiming either mantle.
Yes, there are many out there who want to place that mantle on a physical being or a particular country. Yet, upon close examination of their arguments in favor of the Anti-Christ/Armageddon scenario, that desire seems to be occurring as much because of others' desires either to place the responsibility for their choices on someone else or to force their personal belief system of punishment and death on humanity, rather than an actual manifested reality (in the form of the cataclysmic "end of the world" led and orchestrated by a battle between an Anti-Christ and a Christ). Thus, it seems that the group consciousness may have chosen neither extreme, but rather the ability to transcend the old concepts and judgments of "good" and "evil" as opposing forces striving to control the world.
Yes, there are those who wish to control their little piece of this beautiful world; however, even they are negotiating a life of peace rather than war. Yes, there are still atrocities occurring because man is free to choose either extreme. However, none of these incidents have lead to either controlling or destroying the world, nor has one ultimate "bad" leader arisen in the process. It seems that the example of the potential cruelty and baseness of humanity that Hitler and the Holocaust provided the group consciousness has put a stop to our desire for self-destruction as a group. Attempts at genocide by a leader are now met with a world-united front of resistance to those actions -- not the apathetic, fear-laden, isolationist approach of the past.
It is this increased conscious awareness of our souls, our nobler, unconditionally loving self, and the continuing group choice to "just say no" to violence that is changing the world. Yes, indeed, as the band REM has said, "It's the end of the world as we know it" and, on my part, "I feel fine".
I wish to thank all of you who have chosen to move forward in love rather than fear in your lives, for it was those choices made each day that have brought about our survival and our evolution. Thank you.
--Rhonda M. Smith, D.D.
©2000 The Awakening Center, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Rhonda Smith is a psychic, teacher and metaphysician with 37 years of experience in assisting those who choose to move forward on their personal path of evolution. For more information on classes or readings see the website or email Rhonda. You may also find her at times in the InnerQuest9 chat.